Friday, January 14, 2011

Our last Christmas Party of the year was at Grandma and Grandpa Mont's. Lindsay and Natalie were in town and it is always fun to see them. It's tradition to play "The Beatles" Rock Band. We had a great time!

After opening gifts, we headed up to Grandma and Grandpa Wilson's for breakfast. We had a great time! Kate and Dalton played "Just Dance" and Mom and Dad took time to rest! Ty played games with Grandma and the cousins.
Christmas Day 2010
Despite the fact that it was WARM on Christmas with no SNOW, we had a wonderful Christmas day. All the kids got bikes and scooters, so the weather was perfect for riding! Ty's favorite thing was his Yankee's golf bag. Dalton's favorite was his Razor trick bike, and Kate's favorite gift was her Barbie bike.
We always spend Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandpa Oborn's house. We have great food, games, gifts and the re-enactment of the Nativity. We had a great night and the kids loved the gifts from Grandma and Grandpa!
As tradition goes, the kids always open one gift from Mom and Dad on Christmas Eve....and it is usually pajamas. This year, we added the gift from their brother and sister. It seemed more special because it wasn't lost in the craziness of Christmas day. They picked out some great gifts for each other and were really excited to watch them open them up. Dalton got a Wii game, Kate got a Sing-a-ma-jig, and Ty got a Colts football.

Kate's Christmas Preschool Program went very well this year. She actually sang and participated a little and was really excited to go! Both her Grandparents came and Mom made it on a little break from work (I am in my pajama's because it was PJ day at work). What a fun day!