Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Is It Summer Yet?
We have been getting so much snow this past week. It's so beautiful and the kids love to play in it. Ty likes to use the snow blower and is willing to help any neighbor with their driveway. Despite our love of snow, we took a break and went swimming this weekend. The kids had so much fun! Kate hadn't been in a long time, so she really loved it. She thought the lazy river was great. Ty, Dalton and Jake (Dalton's friend) played football in the pool and played in the lazy river. It was a good break from Winter!

HaPPy VaLeNTiNeS DaY 2009
Kate was really excited for Valentines this year. She didn't really know what it was, but that it invovled candy and the giving and receivng of gifts. What more could a 3 year old want? She carefully prepared all her Valentines for her Kindermusik class and neighborhood friends. She painstakingly wrote her name (her version) on each one and then put the sticker right on top of it. Woops (I'm not kidding, every one of them)! As for her Valentine, she is totally smitten with Dalton's buddy Jake.

Ty and Dalton's classes had fun Valentines parties. I sure wish I had my video camera at the party, because Dalton taught the class the "Electric Slide". I didn't even he knew how to dance! Every Valentines, Ty makes sure Mindy knows that he loves her and has since Kindergarten. Dalton pays no attention to the girls yet (thank goodness), but had fun getting lots of candy!

Friday, February 6, 2009

The boys attended their first Super Bowl party (that they actually cared about) this year. They were both so excited that the Steelers were in it and knew that Greg's Aunt Cheryl (huge Steelers fan) would be having a party. So, Dalton went ahead and called Cheryl and invited us all to her party. So nice of Cheryl to oblige!!
I bought some fabric paints and let the boys decorate their black shirts - even Kate decorated her shirt with Polamalu as well as a kitty and dog. They looked so cool. Aunt Cheryl went all out with her decorations and food. Grandma and Grandpa Wilson were there as well as Klint and Kylie's family, so the kids mostly played until the fourth quarter. Jaxon was cheering for the Cardinals and the boys had a lot of fun teasing each other!! Thanks to Aunt Cheryl and Uncle Rod for having us over for a fun party!!


My sister, Allie, invited us to the open house for the newest LDS temple in Draper. There are thousands of people who go through each day, so they have it set up where you meet at a local ward house and are bussed to the temple according to your appointment time. They show a short movie telling about the temple, let you walk through the temple, then have refreshments at the church house right next to the temple. I wouldn't say the boys were "excited" to go, but I hope it is something that they will remember. Ty kept asking me about the cost to build such a nice place. He couldn't believe the chandeliers! Dalton liked the baptismal font, but mostly the cookies at the end. Afterward, we went to dinner with Allie and Ryan's family. The boys had so much fun spending time with Hannah, Garrett and cousin Maggie. Thanks Allie!