Thursday, October 14, 2010

I thought these were such cute pictures of Kate and her cousin, Hannah. Kate loves Hannah and looks up to her as her older cousin. Hannah is sweet, kind and patient with Kate. (So much like her Mom) I hope they are good friends forever!
Plain City Elementary's annual Walk-a-Thon is a favorite for all the kids. They raise money for the school by being sponsored for each lap. They are awarded small prizes for laps completed and a metal after hitting the goal lap! There is always good food, music and all their friends. Kate is not officially at Plain City yet, but had so much fun participating in the Walk-a-Thon! Dalton and his friends came early and stayed to the very end. They all got their metals! Ty and his friends were there, but they are getting a little too cool to walk! haha They're just there for the social aspect!
Thanks to my husband, Mom and Sue, I was able to get away two weekends with FRIENDS. I had such a great time and am truly grateful for FRIENDS in my life.
The annual Estrogen Fest was held in Heber City this year. We stayed at Natalie and Pam's sister-in-law's beautiful cabin. We played games, ate, shopped, ate, watched movies and sat in the hot tub. We have a diverse group, or as Heather says, "We all add our own flavor!" What I love is, we can all appreciate each other and have a great time. The original eight were able to come this year! Most of us will be turning 40 this coming year, but as you can see....we don't act like it!
The second girls trip was a last minute deal and I was so glad I could go. A few ladies from my old Ward headed to St. George and Vegas. Kim was in town and had never been down we showed her all the sites! Kim kept wondering if it was really "Fat Camp" because Nicole was having us bike, play tennis, etc., etc.. I didn't know most of the ladies very well, but it was great to get to know them better. We stayed in Nicole's beautiful house near Snow Canyon. I loved it!
September 6th
Happy Birthday to our little Katebug. We cannot believe she is five years old! She is smart, stubborn, beautiful, and funny. She loves to spend time with her Grandma's and Grandpa's and is always wanting friends to play. Her favorite friends are Payton, Paige, Niya, Austin and Jane. She loves to listen to music and sing. She takes control of her clothes and hair ~ sometimes good and sometimes bad! She really loves her Mom right now and enjoys teasing her Dad. She is starting to read, rides a bike, ties her shoe, navigates a computer and cell phone. I wish I could keep her little forever! She is growing up way too fast!

The annual Bear Lake overnight with the Oborn family included WIND, sand, games and lots of fun in the INDOOR pool. The weather did cooperate with us this year, so our time at the lake was short. We all took a quick turn on the wave runner before retreating to the Condo.
We had a great time playing "Minute to Win It" games! We played the mummy wrap, keep the balloons up, shake the pedometer, and cookie game where Austin displayed an amazing talent for moving his facial muscles. Wow! haha
Thank goodness we had an indoor pool because the kids had so much fun there! We also celebrated Kate's birthday. We had a good time with our cousins!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

FiRsT DaY oF sChoOl 2010
Wow, does time fly! Ty is in sixth grade - the rulers of the school! He is so lucky to have Sher Devries Elliott as his teacher this year. She is new to Plain City and is the most wanted teacher! He was so excited to get started.
Dalton is in fifth grade and his teacher is Mrs. Hansen. She is a great teacher. Dalton is most excited to get back to his friends and recess - his favorite subject!
Kate has one more year of Preschool. She will be one of the oldest in her class. She is attending Little Sprouts Preschool in Pleasant View taught by Amy Satterthwaite Gray. She is smart as can be. I hope they have something left to teach her in Kindergarten!

We made it to Lagoon just before school started. We did not go last year, so the kids were pretty excited about going. They all had a great time! Kate was definitely fearless! Poor Dad had to go on the musical "round and round thing" until he was sick! I still have a love of coasters, but found out that as I have aged my body doesn't! I went on one coaster and stood over the garbage can for 10 minutes after...GAG!
Dalton, Kate and I loved the egg drop and Ty loved Rattlesnake Rapids. I wish I had pics of Rattlesnake Rapids cuz I was soaked!! (I had to save Kate from the waterfall) Anyway, we had a great time and Dad made it through a day at his NOT favorite place on earth!

Team SHOCK Party

Ty's team celebrated the end of the Baseball Season at the North Shore Aquatic Center. They had "Zeppe's", as promised (for beating Team Rock) and pizza. Ty has so many great friends on this team, most of which are from North Ogden. He has been so lucky to have a great group of coaches who love the boys.