Monday, December 13, 2010

Kate and Maddie
Preston, Dalton and Tayson

Jessie and Kate
Wilson Christmas Party
Scott and Sue held their annual Christmas party on Saturday. The Whitney's (Greg's Aunt and Uncle) always share this party with us, so it's really fun! We have good food, gifts and play games. The kids really look forward to this! This year Sue decided not to "plan" to much because the kids just enjoy playing with each other. They are so lucky to have so many cousins living so close! Thanks for another great party Grandma and Grandpa!


Snow came early to Utah this year and gave the kids plenty to do for a few weeks! Ty skied 4 times in one week and Dalton and Kate spent hours outside! I took Kate, Dalton and Preston sledding one day and they had a great time. Unfortunately, it is gone for now so we're hoping for some good storms coming soon! November 2010
{Did someone say they wanted to see Santa?}

Well, after skipping a year of going to "see" Santa, Kate said she was ready to see the big man! Last year we communicated through email and that worked very well! I didn't ask, urge or even hint for her to go see Santa so I thought she was really ready. She told me what she was going to tell him and even questioned why the other children would be scared of Santa?!

So.......the moment came and........she wasn't ready! Not a word, smile, NOTHING! Luckily, I knew the people standing behind me because she had a death grip on me and I couldn't take a pic of her while holding her! Before the moment, we talked about displaying the cute pic of her and Santa. Unfortunately, there is no perfect pic but she was satisfied with her visit! Funny girl!
{happy birthday ty!}

Ty celebrated his twelfth birthday this past weekend. We were lucky enough to get Jazz tickets for the game on Friday (thanks to the Coleman's), so I took Ty and went to the game. We had so much fun and it was a great game! They were giving out t-shirts at the door and he got his picture taken with some cute Jazz dancers. He was embarrassed, but he loved it!

He was happy to receive some great gifts as well as cash! Ty is a great kid. He is so responsible, smart, and funny. He is really fun to hang out with! He seems to know everyone and is so aware of what everyone is doing. He has a great memory too! We always give him a hard time about his room because he stores anything he could ever need in his room. It's kind of like Smith & Edwards in there.....if you can't find it there, you don't need it!

I wish he could stay 12 forever, because I don't want a teenager! Thanks for being such a great kid Ty!

LoRdy, LoRdY, LoOk wHo'S 40!

Greg reached a milestone birthday this year....40 years old! Remember when that sounded old? Everyone knows he's not one for a big crowd, so I left it up to him to plan his own night. He chose Pizzeria and a Comedy Club. We went with Cody and Sheri, so they made sure to embarrass him a bit at dinner and decorate a little! It was funny and we had a great night...and laughed a lot!

Friday, November 26, 2010

We spent Thanksgiving this year with the Grandma and Grandpa Oborn. We had a great dinner and visit with the family. My favorite part was the "game" Kate wanted to play where we all told a minimum of five things we were thankful for. (The five things came from a Saturday Night Live skit that Pattie was telling us about. The girl said she was not "thankful four, she was thankful five!") Some things were normal everyday things and others were sweet and touching. Kate couldn't figure out how we were going to choose a winner for the game, but I would have to say Greg was in the top three at least! :)

All I can say is....FINALLY!

Okay, how cute is this picture? And for those of you who know me well....Kate sleeping alone in her bed is a big milestone. Yes, we have had our sleeping issues with Kate! She is officially sleeping in her own bed! What more can I say? I am very happy!

Football Banquets 2010
The boys recently had their end of the year football banquets. It is always fun for the kids to get their trophies and see their buddies. Plain City football takes in three cities, so many of the kids they play with attend different elementaries. I am always amazed that the boys are sad to see football come to an end. They practice four nights a week and play their games on Saturday, but they love it! They would not miss a football practice for anything! I am proud of both Ty and Dalton for their dedication and hard work!

Sunday, November 21, 2010


We recently had a special visit from Grandma Colleen and her husband Hal. Grandma Colleen is my birth mother who currently lives is Arizona. She has been struggling with Parkinson's Disease, so this was great that she could come and see us while she was feeling good. Hal had never met my family, so we had my parents and in-laws over to eat and visit with Hal and Colleen.
It was very exciting for the kids because they haven't got to spend too much time with Colleen. We had a great visit, went out to dinner together and even had a little early Christmas with them. I am so thankful for my husband, kids, parents, in-laws, my birth parents and their families. I think my kids are so lucky to have so many grandparents in their life! It has been amazing to have a relationship with my birth parents! (You can click on these photos to enlarge them)
Jake, Ty, Aiden, Mason and Dalton

One of my boys' favorite things to do is play night games. We have a great neighborhood with lots of kids so they are always playing neighborhood ball or something. Dalton's friend Mason, has a fun Dad who is good about organizing some cool things. On SPECIAL nights, he has been known to take them out door bell ditching. They go early enough so they don't disturb anyone sleeping (I hope)! It is definitely a highlight of their year. Funny what makes kids happy. :) Mason's Mom took this picture of the boys ready for their big night out!
What a busy Halloween this year! We started the day at the Fremont quarterfinal game watching our cousin Tayson. It was a great game and the boys love going! Then, we went to Grandma Oborn's to eat and see our cousins. Grandma Oborn fed us well and the kids had fun seeing their cousins. Last, we hurried home for our annual Halloween party. I think we had about fifty people over this year. We have all the kids friends, their parents and whoever else would like to join us. The older kids go out trick or treating and check in for soup and cocoa every hour. The little ones help hand out candy and go to a few houses. There is a great haunted house across the street from us so we usually end up with over 200 trick or treaters! I think Halloween is becoming my favorite holiday of the year! I am not looking forward to the kids getting older because we have had so much fun with them and their friends on Halloween!

Grandma Sue had a fun Halloween party with all our cousins, Aunt Cheryl, and Aunt Holly's niece and nephew. We ate, decorated Halloween trees and went on a nature walk. They had such a great time just hanging out and playing with each other.
October 2010
Dalton's fifth grade class celebrated Halloween by making spider cakes. They were so cute and the kids had so much fun making them. Kate was so excited to go and help her big brother and he is always so great with her.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Train to SLC

Kate has been asking me all Summer if we could ride the "train" to Salt Lake. So, with the warm days coming to an end we asked Payton and Kelly if they would like to ride the Frontrunner train with us. The girls were so excited! We rode down to the Gateway to shop, eat lunch and run through the fountains. The girls were having so much fun riding the Frontrunner, we could have just rode there and back and they would have been happy! Those girls just make me laugh! They are both the youngest in the family so they both think they are much older than they actually are! They both love teenager music and clothes. I love the pics because it shows typical shopping girls! October 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I thought these were such cute pictures of Kate and her cousin, Hannah. Kate loves Hannah and looks up to her as her older cousin. Hannah is sweet, kind and patient with Kate. (So much like her Mom) I hope they are good friends forever!
Plain City Elementary's annual Walk-a-Thon is a favorite for all the kids. They raise money for the school by being sponsored for each lap. They are awarded small prizes for laps completed and a metal after hitting the goal lap! There is always good food, music and all their friends. Kate is not officially at Plain City yet, but had so much fun participating in the Walk-a-Thon! Dalton and his friends came early and stayed to the very end. They all got their metals! Ty and his friends were there, but they are getting a little too cool to walk! haha They're just there for the social aspect!
Thanks to my husband, Mom and Sue, I was able to get away two weekends with FRIENDS. I had such a great time and am truly grateful for FRIENDS in my life.
The annual Estrogen Fest was held in Heber City this year. We stayed at Natalie and Pam's sister-in-law's beautiful cabin. We played games, ate, shopped, ate, watched movies and sat in the hot tub. We have a diverse group, or as Heather says, "We all add our own flavor!" What I love is, we can all appreciate each other and have a great time. The original eight were able to come this year! Most of us will be turning 40 this coming year, but as you can see....we don't act like it!
The second girls trip was a last minute deal and I was so glad I could go. A few ladies from my old Ward headed to St. George and Vegas. Kim was in town and had never been down we showed her all the sites! Kim kept wondering if it was really "Fat Camp" because Nicole was having us bike, play tennis, etc., etc.. I didn't know most of the ladies very well, but it was great to get to know them better. We stayed in Nicole's beautiful house near Snow Canyon. I loved it!
September 6th
Happy Birthday to our little Katebug. We cannot believe she is five years old! She is smart, stubborn, beautiful, and funny. She loves to spend time with her Grandma's and Grandpa's and is always wanting friends to play. Her favorite friends are Payton, Paige, Niya, Austin and Jane. She loves to listen to music and sing. She takes control of her clothes and hair ~ sometimes good and sometimes bad! She really loves her Mom right now and enjoys teasing her Dad. She is starting to read, rides a bike, ties her shoe, navigates a computer and cell phone. I wish I could keep her little forever! She is growing up way too fast!

The annual Bear Lake overnight with the Oborn family included WIND, sand, games and lots of fun in the INDOOR pool. The weather did cooperate with us this year, so our time at the lake was short. We all took a quick turn on the wave runner before retreating to the Condo.
We had a great time playing "Minute to Win It" games! We played the mummy wrap, keep the balloons up, shake the pedometer, and cookie game where Austin displayed an amazing talent for moving his facial muscles. Wow! haha
Thank goodness we had an indoor pool because the kids had so much fun there! We also celebrated Kate's birthday. We had a good time with our cousins!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

FiRsT DaY oF sChoOl 2010
Wow, does time fly! Ty is in sixth grade - the rulers of the school! He is so lucky to have Sher Devries Elliott as his teacher this year. She is new to Plain City and is the most wanted teacher! He was so excited to get started.
Dalton is in fifth grade and his teacher is Mrs. Hansen. She is a great teacher. Dalton is most excited to get back to his friends and recess - his favorite subject!
Kate has one more year of Preschool. She will be one of the oldest in her class. She is attending Little Sprouts Preschool in Pleasant View taught by Amy Satterthwaite Gray. She is smart as can be. I hope they have something left to teach her in Kindergarten!

We made it to Lagoon just before school started. We did not go last year, so the kids were pretty excited about going. They all had a great time! Kate was definitely fearless! Poor Dad had to go on the musical "round and round thing" until he was sick! I still have a love of coasters, but found out that as I have aged my body doesn't! I went on one coaster and stood over the garbage can for 10 minutes after...GAG!
Dalton, Kate and I loved the egg drop and Ty loved Rattlesnake Rapids. I wish I had pics of Rattlesnake Rapids cuz I was soaked!! (I had to save Kate from the waterfall) Anyway, we had a great time and Dad made it through a day at his NOT favorite place on earth!

Team SHOCK Party

Ty's team celebrated the end of the Baseball Season at the North Shore Aquatic Center. They had "Zeppe's", as promised (for beating Team Rock) and pizza. Ty has so many great friends on this team, most of which are from North Ogden. He has been so lucky to have a great group of coaches who love the boys.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Kate and her friends taking a break from watching the games!
Jumpin' Dalton!

Go Ty, Go!
My good friend, Pam, and her family came into town over the 24th of July holiday to visit with family and friends. Her sister's boy plays ball with Ty, so we get to hang out all together! We were so lucky to spend a few fun days with them. All the girls went to lunch one day, then that night Pam's girls babysat Kate and Ellie while all the little boys and all the adults went to dinner and the Raptors game. We had a great time. Kate loved it too because they had a little "girl" party that we decorated for!
Then, we all headed up to Heber City for the boys to play in the Tournament of Champions. We won't go further into that, because we did not do well at all! Anyway, we stayed in Park City with the Browns and the Clarks and had a great time. Everyone did the Alpine Slide, swam and the little girls did some fun rides.
Our family vacations revolve around ball tournaments, so it was fun we could combine some friend/family time with baseball!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Bear Lake...finally!

I have been so excited to get up to Bear Lake and this past weekend we finally made it. It took so long for summer to come, then even longer for us to have a day off from baseball. I actually got Dalton to come (despite his hatred for Bear Lake since the whole "tick" incident) and he had a good time. Dalton brought his friend Mason and Cody and his girls were there too. Kate was so excited to go to the beach. We had a lot of fun! Just a note: Ty is not in any pics because he went to Lava with Grandma and Grandpa Wilson for a chance to go fishing with Grandpa.

I think this fourth of July was the best one yet! There are sooo many reasons! The weather was great - below 100 for the first time in recent memory! The boys are old enough I don't have to worry about them getting lost. All the kids were in the parade. Ty rode on the Weber County Fair truck, Dalton rode behind them and Kate was with her dance group. For the first time EVER, Greg lasted through all the activities including fireworks and had fun! (Most of you know he's done before the fireworks go off!) We had a great seat for the fireworks and you only have to show up five minutes before the parade starts to get your seat! Actually, our old neighbor always sets out seats for us so we're really spoiled.

Plain City seemed to have more activities this year that kept the kids interested. Only in Plain City could you come home from the festivities with a live fish caught by hand, a real life chicken caught with your hands and dripping with mud from playing mud volleyball in the middle of the horse arena! You gotta love that! I just realized I am not in any pics, but I was there! We are so lucky to have lived in Plain City and have such great friends in our community!

River Bottom Boys Baseball

Dalton's team had a fun end of year party. The coach planned a parents vs. players game (I even hit), pizza, and awards. He gave each player a new ball with a case and had each of their teammates sign it. It was really cool! They didn't have a "winning" season but I think they had a lot of fun and learned a lot!

Shock Baseball Girls

The little sisters of the Shock Baseball team have become such good friends. They are all such good sports - going to soo many games and cheering on their brothers. Recently, we got shirts and shorts for them so they would look official! They looked so cute I had to share.

Swim, Swim, Swim

Kate started swimming lessons in June with her friend Payton. They went to Miss Anne, who both Dalton and Ty have taken from. I was really nervous about Kate, you never know if she will try something or not. She surprised me! She loved swimming lessons. She would just wait all day to go! Her and Payton were lucky enough to be in a class with only one other person. They learned so much and did not want lessons to end!

love this pic....some friendly competition!

Wiffle Ball

Last month we had a wild game of Wiffle Ball at Chad's house. I love when all the cousins can play together - they have such a good time with each other! Grandpa is the designated pitcher for both teams and the little ones bat when they feel like it. Kate was mostly playing with the toys. Ty tries his best to remember it's just a game. haha

Friday, June 11, 2010

MAY 2010
JUNE 2010

School's Out - Vacation's On!
School let out early on Friday before Memorial Day. We went straight from school to the baseball tournament, came home for one day then left to St. George with my Mom. Grandpa Oborn went out of town for work, so Grandma wanted her own vacation. I took all the kids and their cousin Austin came too!
After a very cold May, this was the perfect trip to start the summer. The kids swam three times a day and loved it. The weather was great! We visited an old Ghost Town, the Brigham Young house and saw the movie "Babies".
On Thursday, we left Kate with Grandma and went to see Las Vegas. Austin came with us and we had such a good time. We ate at the Cheesecake Factory, saw Pete Rose, rode the roller coaster at NY NY, did taste testing at the Coke factory and played around at the M&M factory. The boys were in awe of the hotels as well as the weird people! We stayed in a nice place and swam some more!
We left the next day, picked up Kate in St. George (swam again) and headed home. We were home about ten hours when we left for another baseball tournament in Idaho Falls. It was just for the day, but we were able to visit with our friends who live up there and play two games! What a start to summer!
May Mayhem
Wow! May is always a crazy month, so I am just barely getting around to posting pictures. May not only brought flowers but baseball tournaments, Preschool Graduation, Mothers Day, a camp out for Dalton and school awards assemblies. It was a great month!
Memorial Day Tournament
Ty's team participated in the Memorial Day baseball tournament held down in Utah County. It was turning out to be a not so great tournament and we were dreading playing Team Rock - the team Ty used to play for and the team his best friend is on! They are a great team and feared by many!!!
Ty's team had the best game and pulled out a 8-5 win over Team Rock! It was definitely a highlight in their season. Good job Shock!

Preschool Graduation
Kate had her Preschool Graduation the end of May. We were all so excited to attend and see if she would REALLY participate. She kept saying she would but we were pretty skeptical after the Christmas program!
She did it! She sang all the songs and did the actions too! They performed a program called "See You Later, Alligator" which reviewed all the concepts they learned throughout the year. They were all so cute! She will go another year of Preschool (she misses the school deadline by a few days), but I am really excited for her to be the oldest. She is very smart and loves to learn. Miss Amy has been a great teacher! She has had so much fun having Payton is her class (Kelly's daughter).
Kate received a few special graduation gifts from her Grandma's and even Payton's Grandma. She had a great day!